The Untold Suffering


“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:39

My husband and I don’t agree with all of these ‘stay at home orders’ or lock downs. Our God-given and constitutional rights have been taken away. My husband is being forced against his will to wear a mask at work. He gets claustrophobic and feels like he can’t breathe. Besides that he flat out doesn’t agree that he should have to wear it in the first place. Many experts, the ones that the main stream media won’t report on, say that a mask won’t protect you from the virus anyway. He’d quit on principle but he is too good of a husband and father to do that. Our economy is in disaster, millions have filed for unemployment. In our humble opinion, what has been done is just plain wrong. I could talk about the research, the articles we’ve read from REAL sources and share with you how we know the number of deaths have been spiked erroneously. How doctors and coroners are being pressured to write cause of death as the ‘coronavirus’ even though that wasn’t really the cause. The percentage of deaths from this virus is extremely low. A quarantine is supposed to be for the weak and vulnerable NOT for everyone. We are sorry for all  those who have suffered from this virus, those who have died from it and their loved ones left behind. However, why aren’t more people in the news media, in our local and federal governments and across the world worried about all of the untold suffering going on indirectly because of this pandemic. Why have so many blindly listened and given up their rights as American citizens so easily? My family and I have been talking about it, praying about it every single day…….

For all of the children who are abused, physically, emotionally, and sexually by their parents or caretakers and school was the only safe place for them to go and now they are stuck continually in their abusive situation with no relief.

For all those women who are being abused and will become pregnant by their abusers and then forced to have an abortion.

For all those who are in domestic abuse situations and now it’s worse because they are stuck at home continually with their abusers.

For all of those who were living paycheck to paycheck and now they have no way to pay their bills or to feed their families.

For all those who are mentally ill and struggling more now than ever.

For all those who are suicidal and the ones who have taken their lives.

For all those who have small businesses and have been forced to close down and may not get to start back up because of their financial losses.

For all those who are being taken advantage of because they are in such a desperate situation.

For all those who were recovering alcoholics or addicts and have now relapsed.

For all those who were supposed to be baptized and enter into full communion with the Holy Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil but now they have to wait much longer.

For all the children who were supposed to receive their First Holy Communion this spring.

For all of those who are dying alone because hospital administrators won’t allow their family to be with them.

For all of those who are lonely and no one will visit them.

For all of those who are living in fear of getting sick with this virus because the news media is using fear mongering to intimidate and control people.

For all of those who listen to the news as if it’s the GOSPEL truth but ignore the only real GOSPELS of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Bible and live their lives as if God does not exist.

For all of those who believe that what ever is on the news is true without seeking the real truth from the real sources.

For all those who are sick and scared to go to the doctor and the ones who will die because of it.

For all those pro-life prayer warriors who are being arrested unjustly because they continue to try to help women who are being lied to by Planned Parenthood or other abortion providers.

For all those who are being arrested because they are standing up for their constitutional rights.

For all those mothers who have had to give birth alone.

For all those newborn babies and parents who have been separated and not been allowed to see each other in hospitals.

For all those families and friends who are having discord because of the division in our country right now.

For all those people in New York who might die because the paramedics are being told to not try to resuscitate anyone.

For all those who are not able to mourn their loved ones because only 10 people are allowed at a funeral right now.

For all those who are letting Satan convince them that living in a bubble is better than trusting in God.


There is always going to be sickness and disease in our world. We can’t hide from it. We can’t make it go away. It is an effect of original sin. This ‘coronavirus’ isn’t going to just magically disappear from our midst once these stay at home orders are lifted. Do you really think everyone is just going to go back to normal? There are going to be long term consequences. People are going to be afraid of other people as they already are.  We should be out there living our lives. So many doctors and other experts say that what we need is herd immunity but yet we have been forced to stay at home instead. So, when we do go back out,  are more and more people going to get sick? Maybe or maybe not. Only God knows the future. I am really frustrated with the fact that the CDC and the federal health beaurocrats are telling us how many people are going to die and a second round of infections is coming and when. Since when was their name God Almighty? Tens of thousands of people die from the flu each year and we’ve never been shutdown because of that. Tens of thousands of people die in car accidents a year but we’ve never been ordered to stop driving.

This pandemic is God calling us to repent, to reform our lives. We need to be on our knees praying in reparation for our sins and for the sins of the world. Unborn babies and even babies up to full term are being murdered in the womb and out of the womb for that matter. Infanticide is happening my brothers and sisters. It is really happening! Sexual trafficking and human trafficking of all kinds, abuse, homelessness, people starving to death, destitute poverty in third world countries, people living in squalor in Haiti which is only 90 miles from Florida, abuse and neglect of children and elderly, depression and suicide, mental illness of all kinds, alcoholism, drug addiction, atheism, moral relativism, socialism, communism, homosexual depravities, people believing they are a different gender and actually changing their God given gender which is a total insult to God the Creator of all, elected officials abusing their power and taking away rights instead of serving the people and the list could go on and on….My brothers and sisters, we are our brother’s keeper. We are responsible for helping those who are suffering in the world. We must be the hands and feet of Christ on this earth. Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta once said that if abortion isn’t wrong then nothing is wrong. No one should go hungry on this earth, NO ONE. It is a sin and a crime that so many people are starving to death in our world. We have an obligation to feed the hungry and take care of the poor, the marginalized, the weak and the vulnerable everywhere not just in the United States of America. America does not know what destitute poverty is and it hasn’t for a very long time. We need to wake up and we need to change our lives. God is merciful and this is the time of mercy. At the end of our lives will be the time of Justice so let us use this time of Mercy for good and to do good to all of our brothers and sisters throughout the world.

We can’t prevent death. Death is a part of life. My husband and I do not want to live in a bubble. We do not want our children to be afraid to live their lives. This is no way to live my brothers and sisters. This whole shutdown is setting a very dangerous precedent. Anything could happen in the future and then we’ll be shutdown again at whim. We need to stand up for our rights. It is abominable that our right to worship in Church has been taken away. Faithful Catholics are continually being denied to receive the Holy Eucharist. I have been praying so much for our brothers and sisters in China who risk their lives to go to Mass in secret ‘underground’ God bless them for their courage and fortitude. We should all be praying to have the faith and courage that they do.

Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for the pandemic to end and for ALL those who suffer because of it for any reason.