A Holy, Courageous Priest of Jesus Christ Speaks the Truth


This faithful Catholic priest of Jesus Christ is not afraid to speak the truth to his parishioners or to anyone for that matter. Good for him, he is to be commended! I so enjoyed reading the article which articulates what my husband and I believe so well and the video which also is an incredible summary of what the evil of socialism is and what the next presidential administration is going to try to inflict on our country. We are surely in for a very tumultuous ride my brothers and sisters.



I will never understand how ANYONE especially those who call themselves Catholic Christians or Christians could find any way whatsoever to justify voting for such a radical pro-abortion man and woman. A man who lied and used his nonexistent faith to get votes. I am not criticizing him. I am speaking the facts. He used to vote pro-life across the board and then he let Satan tempt him into believing it is okay for unborn babies to be annihilated in the womb. He wants to codify Roe vs. Wade and make it the law of the land. Shame on him and shame on anyone who voted for him! When we die, WE will be accountable for our actions including who we voted for.

You can not SEPARATE faith from politics. Period. The new president and vice president are to be respected ONLY for their God-given dignity as children of God but NOT for their politics or stances on anything which demeans the human person, or our God-given rights or constitutional rights that our founding fathers fought so hard for us to have. I am sure our forefathers are turning in their graves knowing that this new administration is trying to bring in socialism to our once freedom loving nation. If masks work, why do we need lockdowns,? If lockdowns work why do we need more lockdowns? If masks and lockdowns work then may I ask you why in the name of common sense are the covid cases rising? It is about social and political control. They are trying to control us. The cases of coronavirus are ‘rising’ if you will because they are being misdiagnosed in such significant numbers. My husband and I have done the research. I beg you to do the research. The common cold and flu virus are in the same family of viruses as the coronaviruses. My husband had a coworker who voluntarily quarantined himself because his sister tested positive for covid but she was better two days later and went back to the doctor and was retested and it came back negative folks. The doctor told her she NEVER had it in the first place.

The doctors and hospitals are getting more money to diagnose and hospitalize covid-19 patients. They have to justify their unlawful and unconstitutional restrictions. They have to justify rushing a vaccine which people are DYING from and having such severe adverse reactions and being rushed to ER’s all over the place. Let’s wake up people. Read the real news. Listen to the holy, courageous priests and bishops willing to stand up and speak the truth. STOP listening to the fear mongering of the mainstream media. Anyone who doesn’t fit their agenda is being censored.

May God have mercy on us all under this next presidential administration. May we fight the good fight and stay faithful to our Lord and God. In His name only do we have our help!!! Not from the state or any government.

Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us and our nation now and at the hour of our death. Amen